Welcome Prof. Wei Shangguan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Wei Shangguan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China to be the TPC!


Prof. Wei Shangguan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

ShangGuanWei, Professor, Doctoral tutor, Deputy director of Institute of Transportation Automation Science and Technology, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Member of Intelligent Command and Dispatch Specialized Committee of Chinese Institute of Command and Control, Member of Intelligent Transportation Specialized Committee of China Association for Artificial Intelligence, Member of National Technical Committee on Metering and Testing for Satellite Navigation Applications, Member of Standardization and Inspection Specialized Committee of Zhongguancun Spatial Information Industry Technology Alliance, Chief Expert of Key Laboratory of Intelligent Operation of Civil Aviation Airport Group, Deputy Chief Editor (Chief Editor of Subject Area) of Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, Member of Department of Interdisciplinary and Chairman of the field of rail transit automatic control of the 2019 World Transport Convention, The visiting scholar at University College London. He has engaged in research on traffic information engineering and control, intelligent Control for a long time, and carried out a lot of research work on the integration of industry, education, research and application, been taking more than 60 national/provincial scientific research project, published more than 200 SCI/EI indexed high-level academic papers, been registered more than 50 authorized patents of invention/ software copyrights, published 4 monographs. He has once awarded the first prize of China Intelligent Transportation System Association Science and Technology Award, three times awarded the first prize of China Railway Association Science and Technology Award, once awarded the second prize of China Air Transport Association civil Aviation Science and Technology Award, awarded the "Youth" award of the 14th Zhan Tianyou Railway Science and Technology Award, awarded the "May 4th Medal" title of Beijing Jiaotong University, been selected as the Young Science and Technology Talents of Transportation and Beijing Youth Talents Program. He has been the editorial board member or reviewer of IEEE Transaction on ITS, Transportation Research Part B, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, China Journal of Highway and Transportation, IEEE IV, ITSC, TRB and other top journals and flagship conferences at home and abroad of long-term.

上官伟,教授,博士生导师,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院运输自动化科学技术研究所副所长,中国指挥与控制学会智能指挥调度专业委员会委员,中国人工智能学会智能交通专业委员会委员,全国卫星导航应用专用计量测试技术委员会委员,中关村空间信息产业技术联盟标准化和检验检测专业委员会委员,民航机场群智慧运营重点实验室首席专家,北京交通大学学报副主编(学科领域主编),2019世界交通大会交叉学部委员、轨道交通自动控制领域主席,英国伦敦大学学院访问学者;长期从事交通信息工程及控制、智能控制研究,开展了大量产学研用一体化研究工作,承担60余项国家/省部级科研项目,发表SCI/EI检索高水平学术论文200余篇,授权发明专利/软件著作权登记50余项,合作出版专著4部,获中国智能交通协会科学技术一等奖1次,获中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖3次,获中国航空运输协会民航科学技术二等奖1次,获第十四届詹天佑铁道科技奖“青年”奖和北京交通大学“五四奖章”称号,入选交通运输青年科技英才、北京市青年英才计划。长期担任IEEE Transaction on ITS、Transportation Research Part B、交通运输工程学报、中国公路学报和IEEE IV、ITSC、TRB等重要国内外顶级期刊和旗舰会议编委或审稿人。