Welcome Prof. Junwei Zha, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China to be the General Conference Chair!

Welcome Prof. Junwei Zha, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China to be the General Conference Chair!


Prof. Junwei Zha ,University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Junwei Zha is currently the professor at University of Science and Technology Beijing. He was selected as “National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars”, “Beijing Nova Program” and “Hong Kong Scholar”. He also won the first prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education in 2019 and and Young Scientist Award of Chinese Society for Composite Materials in 2021. His research interests focus on dielectric energy storage materials, advanced dielectric polymer materials, thermal management in nanodielectrics, insulating materials and smart nanodielectrics, etc. He has authored or co-authored over 150 papers in referred journals and 10 patents. He also has co-authored four English books and a Chinese Book.He also serves as the subject editor of IET Nanodielectrics, youth editorial board member of Energy & Environmental Materials, et al. He is currently the Senior member of IEEE, IEEE/DEIS Technical Committee on Nanodielectrics and CIGRE WG D1-73.

查俊伟,北京科技大学教授/博导,获国家优青、中国复合材料学会青年科学家奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、北京市科技新星计划及香江学者计划等。长期从事电介质储能材料、绝缘导热、智能柔性电工材料等领域的应用基础研究工作,共发表SCI论文150篇,已授权中国发明专利10项;合著英文书籍4部,中文书籍1部。现担任IET Nanodielectrics期刊主题编辑以及多个国内外期刊客座主编/编委/青年编委,IEEE高级会员,CIGRE WG D1.73委员,IEEE/DEIS纳米电介质技术委员会委员,中国电工技术学会青工委先进储能科学与应用学组副主任, 中国复合材料学会介电高分子复合材料与应用专委会秘书长等。